Square Feet and Square Centimeters Converter


Using the Square Feet and Square Centimeters Converter 

This converter allows for conversion between two commonly used units of area, the imperial unit of square feet, or the metric unit of square centimeters.

Start by choosing between the American or the British spelling at the top of the converter, which will affect the way the word meter is spelled, which directly affects how the word centimeter will be spelled (as the British spelling is ‘centimetre’).

Once you are happy with the choice of spelling, move toward the ‘CONVERT FROM’ section, where you select your input unit out of two options, square feet ($ft^2$) or square centimeters ($cm^2$). 

Follow up by choosing out of the same two units for your output in the ‘CONVERT TO’ section.

You can also choose to work with the preselected units, or simply click on the icon with the arrows in opposite directions to reverse the order of the input and output units, which may prove to be faster than selecting each unit at a time.

The next step is to write in the value you want to convert as a decimal number into the ‘VALUE TO CONVERT’ section. Chose the number of decimal places you want your result rounded toward and click on ‘CONVERT’.

Your result will appear as a decimal number rounded to the desired number of decimal places, alongside the conversion rate between the units. Use the conveniently placed ‘COPY’ button in case you want to copy your result and use it in another piece of writing.

Converting Square Feet and Square Centimeters Manually

The conversion rate between these two units is originally defined by the units of length they are made of.

A square foot is defined as the area a square with a side length of 1 foot would take up. Alternatively, the square centimeter is defined similarly, as the area of a square with a side length of 1 cm.

We can build a conversion rate between the two units based on the following relationships.

1 ft = 30.48 cm

1 cm = 0.033 ft 

If we square the relationships, the equivalent values for $ft^2$ and $cm^2$ will be calculated.

$1^2$ $ft^2$ = $30.48^2$ $cm^2$

$1^2$ $cm^2$ = $0.033^2$ $ft^2$

If we actually perform the calculations, the following happens.

1 $ft^2$ = 929.03 $cm^2$

1 $cm^2$ = 0.0011 $ft^2$

This process shows how the units of area and their equivalent values are derived. Keep in mind, that the values are rounded for convenience. For more accurate calculations, use our converter.

Finally, we can present two formulae that the relationships lead towards and then demonstrate their usage on worked-out examples.

$CM^2$ = $FT^2$ x 929.03

$FT^2$ = $CM^2$ x 0.0011

EXAMPLE 1: A computer screen has an area of 1.3 $ft^2$. What is the area of this screen in cm2?

Our output is $cm^2$, hence we will use the first equation by substitution 1.3 instead of $ft^2$.

$CM^2$ = $FT^2$ x 929.02 = 1.3 x 929.03 = 1,207.739 $cm^2$.

EXAMPLE 2: What is the area of a wall that has 25,430 $cm^2$, expressed in $ft^2$?

This problem will be worked out using the second formula, by substituting 25,430 instead of cm2.

$FT^2$ = $CM^2$ x 0.0011 = 25,430 x 0.0011 = 27.973 $cm^2$.

How Big are Square Feet and Centimeters?

Having the formal definitions or conversion rates for these two units is useful when working with precise calculations. However, it is also good to get a feel of how large these two units actually are in real life. Hence, we will offer a small list of items you might be familiar with and their areas in $cm^2$ or $ft^2$.

  • A typical postage stamp has an area of around 2 to 2.5 $cm^2$. Most stamps have a width very close to 1 cm and a length of around 2 to 2.5 cm.
  • A small patch of adhesive bandage has an area of about 1 to 1.4 $cm^2$. If it is square-shaped, it is a nearly perfect representation of 1 $cm^2$.
  • Most small buttons have a diameter of 1 cm, meaning that if we draw a square around the buttons so that the button looks like an inscribed circle, we create a 1 $cm^2$ square.
  • A standard sheet of paper has an area of around 0.54 $ft^2$. Hence two sheets of paper laid next to each other have an area of around 1 $ft^2$.
  • Most tiles in the USA have the dimensions of 1 by 1 foot, making them a perfect representation of 1 $ft^2$.
  • A sheet of A3 paper has an area of 1.35 $ft^2$, which means that if we cut away about a quarter of the paper, we have an almost exact square foot on our hands.
Andy Demar

Andy Demar

Hi, my name is Andy Demar and I have been working in the postal industry for almost 15 years. I have seen and heard about it all - big packages, small parcels, suspicious boxes, difficulties with getting them from A to B.